Friday, December 5, 2008

Resistance Is a Vital Necessity

Thing are gonna change soon. There is not enough money now to keep the government bureaucracies operating as they are now. Change as inevitable and imminent. Sooner not later.

The bureaucrats and government workers are going to kick and scream but change is going to happen anyway. How can a person working in the bureaucracy deal with the resistance to change?

Embrace it, says Babak Armajani, chair of The Public Strategies Group. In Dealing with Resistance he outlines how. It’s a quick read and worthwhile. If we want to make things better we need to learn how to work with those who wish to keep things the same. His 3 main points are:

· Talk to your resistors.

· Give people choices.

· Invest in change.

Check it out, and see what is coming.

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